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Whats New in PKZIP/SecureZIP for Windows Desktop

What's New in SecureZIP®

Changes and new features

Version 14, Maintenance Release 5

  • Updated RAR support. Now includes the latest RAR 5 format.
  • Expanded Date support. Added expanded tolerance for date/time format anomalies

Version 14, Maintenance Release 4

  • Updated Ribbon. Now more consistent with other Windows applications.
  • Improved support for assistive reader software. Some readers were not capturing commands in the SecureZIP ribbon.
  • More information on OpenPGP archives. The Encryption tab in Archive Properties now includes information on the encryption method and the algorithm used.
  • Signing files now permitted when using PKZIP v2.04 limitations. If you sign a file inside a ZIP archive, recipients with a much older version of PKZIP will be able to extract the file.
  • Support for system-level restricted drives. PKZIP and SecureZIP will display available folders and drives in the Open and Add Files dialog boxes when a system drive is hidden.
  • New default naming for multi-file ZIPs. When selecting multiple files in the same folder, PKZIP/SecureZIP would select one file to suggest a name for the compressed ZIP. This will now default to the folder name. You can still choose a different file name.
  • Enterprise System administrators can hide unavailable certificate stores. When creating SecureZIP policy files, administrators can choose to hide default certificate stores (the SecureZIP Global Directory and VeriSign directory) to reduce confusion for users.
  • Removed obsolete and little-used features. Favorites, Install Files, Virus Scan, and the Wizard.

Version 14

  • Create and Extract OpenPGP files. Some organizations use encryption tools based on the OpenPGP standard, rather than X.509. SecureZIP extracts and decrypts files that comply with the OpenPGP standard, RFC 4880. SecureZIP can also create and sign OpenPGP-compliant files You can also use OpenPGP keys to encrypt and decrypt data within ZIP archives.
  • Message Digest Display. Display the hash value (also called a "message digest") and CRC checksum for a file using the Calculate Digest command in the main SecureZIP window. This feature will help meet ONC Meaningful Use requirements.
  • Policy Manager: Support for partial locks. Some options allow for "partial locks," that give the administrator the right to select the default option, but allow the user to override the default setting if the option includes a user prompt.
  • Digital Time Stamping for signed archives. When you need to establish not only who is responsible for a file or set of files, but also when it was created, digital time stamping is a critical service. With SecureZIP’s support for digital time-stamping, you can add a timestamp to any signed archive. SecureZIP will also verify existing time stamps.
  • FastAES. Support for Intel® processors that implement AES-NI. Other processors may also gain from using a more optimized Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm. FastAES is not available when using FIPS 140 mode.
  • Extract 7-Zip files and CD/DVD Data Image files. SecureZIP now extracts 7-Zip and three types of files typically associated with CD and DVD data images: CDR, ISO, and IMG.
  • Auto-Select View. Gives you quicker access to your files. Auto-Select displays in the Classic view if all the files in your archive are in one subfolder (or you don't have subfolders), and Explorer view if you have folders or subfolders. You can also use Auto-Thumbnail view to see archives filled with images.
  • Preserving Zone Identifier information in downloaded files. When you download a file from any other computer with Microsoft Internet Explorer, the browser attaches “security zone” information about the computer hosting the file in an alternate data stream. By default, SecureZIP now preserves this information.

Version 12, Maintenance Release 5

  • Microsoft Office 2010 Support. SecureZIP Office Integration allows you to create ZIP archives directly from 32-bit and 64-bit implementations of Microsoft Office 2010 applications, including Outlook, Word and Excel.
  • Extract WavPack files within ZIP archives. Open audio files compressed with this algorithm.
  • Extract files from archives created on IBM z/OS using hardware compression tools. SecureZIP for Windows Desktop can extract these files without special hardware.
  • Improved support for PPMd compression algorithm on 64-bit Windows. No need to run 32-bit version of this algorithm.
  • Changes in FIPS Mode. With FIPS mode selected, files must be signed with the SHA-256 algorithm (or higher). Also will not extract files encrypted with 112-bit (two-key) 3DES. These algorithms are still available outside FIPS mode.
  • Custom Alternate Extensions for ZIP archives. Use a custom extension for mailed archives. 

Version 12, Maintenance Release 4

  • Redesigned graphical interface, with a choice. The Fluent interface will remind you of Microsoft Office 2007. The Fluent interface is designed to let you complete your tasks quickly, with as few clicks as possible. It is installed by default when you select the Express install. Prefer the conventional, menu-based interface? It's easy to switch, before or after your initial installation.
  • Support for Windows 7. Windows 7 users enjoy all the benefits and functionality of SecureZIP.
  • New installer for 64-bit systems. SecureZIP now comes in a full 64-bit version for users of 64-bit Windows (Vista or Windows 7) systems.
  • Full support for opening and extracting files with the .zipx extension. SecureZIP will work with Zip archives with the *.zipx extension.
  • Redesigned Options dialog. The Options dialog is now easier to navigate using only the keyboard, and has an updated look.
  • Improved progress dialog. Offers more meaningful information when compressing or decompressing large files. Doesn't appear at all if the archive is small.
  • Improved retrieval of digital certificates from LDAP providers. Re-designed LDAP query dialog makes entering an LDAP query easier; status messages are reported better when a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) query fails to return any certificates. You can now retrieve digital signatures from Korean LDAP providers.
  • End of Outlook Express Integration. SecureZIP v12.4 Office Integration does not support compressing or encrypting files with Outlook Express or Windows Mail, as Microsoft has discontinued these products.

Version 12

  • Better control of attachment naming. You can now specify the name to use for zipped attachment files. When SecureZIP zips multiple files into a single mail attachment, the ZIP file now receives the default name you specify in Options instead of a name derived from one of the zipped files. If the Mail option Prompt before ZIPPING is on, you can assign a custom name at the prompt every time you ZIP an attachment.
  • Compatibility options (advanced). Controls are added to make it possible to turn off two advanced Security encryption options—Smartcard compatibility and Windows 2000 compatibility. The former option must be turned off when encrypting for a recipient list if versions of PKZIP prior to 6.1 are to be able to decrypt the result; the latter option can be turned off to use no 3DES when doing AES encryption. Normally, both options are set on to support the widest range of devices and platforms.
  • 64-bit Explorer Integration. On 64-bit systems, SecureZIP now provides a 64-bit msi installer to set up integration with Windows Explorer. Running the 64-bit installer after installing (32-bit) SecureZIP on a 64-bit system enables SecureZIP commands in the (right-click) Explorer context menus to work.
  • Improved support for installing SecureZIP Enterprise policy files on 64-bit systems. It is no longer necessary to edit registry entries in .reg files generated from SecureZIP Enterprise to point to the correct location of a policy file on a 64-bit Windows system.
  • SecureZIP Mail Gateway controls. New Policy options can display toolbar buttons in Outlook (or Word, when used as a mail editor) that give the SecureZIP Mail Gateway instructions about encrypting your current message. (These options appear on the message window toolbar only if SecureZIP is used with SecureZIP Enterprise and SecureZIP Mail Gateway.)
  • Support for LZMA and PPMd compression algorithms. You can now compress files using the LZMA and PPMd algorithms when adding or updating files in ZIP archives.
  • Private key backup. New Backup… buttons on the Encryption and Signing tabs of Security options enable you to export the private key of a selected certificate to a .pfx file. A check box to back up the private key of a new certificate is also added to the final page of the certificate request wizard. A new command-line switch is available to not install the key backup feature and hide the related controls.
  • Outlook Express integration. SecureZIP Attachments email integration is now supported for Microsoft Outlook Express and Windows Mail when Outlook is not found on the system. A new command-line installation switch controls whether to install the Outlook Express and Windows Mail integration if Outlook is not found.
  • Graphical indicators for locked options. Padlock icons on the Options tabs now indicate if an option is locked to its current setting by a policy created in SecureZIP Enterprise.
  • .Z archive extraction. Support is added for extraction of .Z archives (UNIX compress command, LZW algorithm).
  • Open archives in exclusive mode. A new Miscellaneous option, Open archives in exclusive mode, prevents other users from opening an archive that you already have open. The option ensures that you can update archives you are working in. An archive cannot be updated while more than one user has it open.
  • More easily access mail and attachments in SecureZIP archives. SecureZIP now opens archived .eml mail message files in an internal MIME viewer by default. The MIME viewer cannot send replies, but it may be more convenient to use than the program (Outlook Express, by default) associated with .eml files on the system. Outlook Express presents several configuration dialogs the first time it is used.
  • Automatically open an archived file in its associated application. This option, on a new Office Integration tab of Miscellaneous options, automatically opens an archived file in the file's associated application program when you open the archive from Windows Explorer or SecureZIP.
  • Open or save archived documents directly from Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. A new SaveSecure Office Integration option enables you to take a document that you are working on in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint and save it directly to a ZIP file from the application. The option also enables you to open a document directly from a ZIP file when you are in one of these Microsoft Office applications.
  • Receive notice about expiring certificates. A new option alerts you when you use a certificate that has expired or is about to. A button in the notification lets you select a different certificate to use instead.
  • Upload public keys to the SecureZIP Global Directory. You can place in the SecureZIP Global Directory any of your public-key certificates that you want to make publicly available—even certificates that are not from Comodo. People can then access these certificates to encrypt for you. Upload your certificates at the Web address:

Version 11

  • Certificate request wizard. A wizard can be launched by SecureZIP to request and install a digital certificate for you from the Comodo certificate authority. The certificate is automatically imported into the SecureZIP Global Directory, making the public key available to anyone who wants to encrypt for you. SecureZIP can also access other certificates in the Global Directory to encrypt messages and files you want to send to the certificates' owners.
  • "Check for new version" option. You can have SecureZIP schedule periodic checks for a new version of the program. If a new version is found, a dialog offers to download and install it or provides a link to more information.
  • Print multiple selected files. Context menu operations such as Print, Edit, Open With can now be performed on multiple files selected in a ZIP file. The context menu is generated for the selected file having the focus; a chosen menu command is executed for all selected files to which it can be applied.
  • Zip to a named file. A new Windows Explorer context menu command Add to: <filename> adds selected files to a ZIP file named after the first (top) selected file without opening the SaveAs dialog.
  • SecureZIP Attachments buttons in Word email editor. SecureZIP Attachments toolbar buttons to view SecureZIP Options or to zip, encrypt, or sign email messages and/or attachments now appear in the Word email editor just as they do in the Outlook new message window.
  • FIPS 140 compliant SFX engine. An SFX (self-extracting) archive created in FIPS mode now remembers that it is a FIPS SFX and applies FIPS-mode constraints when its files are extracted.
  • ZDW extraction support. Multiple options for EBCDIC line-ending translation are supported for extraction of mainframe data compressed using the SecureZIP for z/OS Zip Descriptor Word (ZDW) option to preserve variable length records.
  • FIPS mode option. A new Security option,Use FIPS 140 mode, causes SecureZIP to use only FIPS-validated algorithms to encrypt or decrypt files, email messages, and email attachments or to apply or authenticate signatures. FIPS is an abbreviation for Federal Information Processing Standards, a set of standards for information processing in federal agencies.
  • SHA-2 hashing algorithms. SecureZIP adds support for SHA-2 hashing algorithms SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512. Each is stronger than the already supported SHA-1. Federal agencies are to completely phase out use of SHA-1 after 2010 for digital signatures and encryption.
  • SecureZIP Enterprise errors. Inability to authenticate or read a policy file now causes a SecureZIP client to shut down to prevent the program's being used in a way that may violate policy settings. Formerly, the program would just enter read-only mode, which still permitted extraction.
  • Store file names and comments in UTF-8 format. New Compression option enables UTF-8 characters in file names and file comments to display correctly when an archive's contents are viewed or extracted in compatible non-UTF-8 locales.
  • Encrypt attachments. The Encrypt attachments option now zips and encrypts attached email messages as well as file attachments.
  • Encrypt message body. This new Mail option encrypts the body of an Outlook email message when email attachments are encrypted. The option can be locked in the Policy Manager. Another new lockable option—Automatically decrypt messages when read—automatically decrypts an encrypted message body and displays the message in Outlook.
  • File-name encryption. Encryption on archives with encrypted file names can now be changed or removed.
  • Re-signing. When digitally signing files already in an archive, you can now leave existing signatures on selected files unchanged.
  • File security. Two new lockable options remove unwanted copies of files: Delete original files, Require deletion of temporary files

Version 10

  • Set requirements for new passwords/passphrases. Controls on a new Passphrase tab in Security options enable you to set requirements for passphrase length and the type and placement of characters used. (Passwords are now generally called passphrases in the program because they can contain spaces as well as other non-alphanumeric characters.)
  • Wipe files option renamed and enhanced. The Security option Wipe files is renamed Shred files and offers a new setting: DOD 5220.22. The setting shreds files by overwriting them three times, to the Department of Defense 5220.22-M standard.
  • Re-encrypt mail attachments for forwarding. A newRe-encrypt attachments option enables you to change the encryption on existing ZIP archives that you attach to an email message. The option is useful when you want to send or forward an archive that may be encrypted already but not for the people you want to send it to. The option re-encrypts the attachment for the new recipients.
  • Encrypt Outlook calendar attachments. SecureZIP now encrypts attachments to Outlook meeting requests as well as attachments to email messages.

Version 9

  • Check for revoked certificates. SecureZIP can now check whether a certificate about to be used to encrypt, to sign, or to authenticate signatures appears on a downloaded list of revoked certificates. SecureZIP can be set not to use revoked certificates to encrypt or sign files.
  • Contingency keys. With SecureZIP Enterprise, an administrator can have SecureZIP automatically include designated contingency key certificates as recipients whenever SecureZIP (strongly) encrypts files. The contingency keys ensure that an organization does not lose access to its encrypted data.
  • Policy Manager MMC snap-in. Controls for locking option settings and defining contingency keys are now provided through the Policy Manager, a separate Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in application provided with SecureZIP Enterprise.
  • Configure and lock minimum password length. An option can be set to specify a minimum number of characters for passwords. The setting can be locked from the Policy Manager.

Version 8 Maintenance Release 2

  • Bug fixes:
    • Was possible to save archive with unsigned files even with Signing locked On if no certificates were on the system.
    • Was possible to create unencrypted non-ZIP archives even with Encryption locked On.
    • Instead of declining to create the archive, SecureZIP would create an archive that did not comply with locked Options settings if impossible to create an archive that did comply.
    • SecureZIP could not extract some archives containing encrypted file names.

Version 8 Maintenance Release 1

  • Bug fixes:
    • On some systems, SecureZIP would not run because SecureZIP was unable to access the default user key in the registry. Access to this key is needed to initialize security routines.
    • Some users reported that pkwiz700.dll failed to register during installation. The problem occurred because of a bug in the Windows installer that causes registry keys to be created without permissions.
    • Outlook would not load PKZIP Attachments after a trial period expired, even if the user entered a license key.
    • The Directory Integration module was unable to access certificates on the Verisign public directory server.

Version 8

  • Access certificates in directory servers via an LDAP compliant interface. SecureZIP can look for certificates in LDAP certificate stores. SecureZIP can automatically search these stores for recipients to whom you are sending an email message so that you can use their keys when encrypting an attachment. (Requires the optional Directory Integration Module.)
  • Policy lockdown. A SecureZIP administrator can lock option settings for other PKZIP and SecureZIP users in order to enforce corporate security policies that govern encryption and access levels for digitally signed files and emailed attachments. (Requires the optional Administrative Module.)
  • Encrypt and sign files in place. You can encrypt and sign files that are in an archive already as well as files you are adding.
  • Enhanced interface to PKZIP Attachments. New toolbar buttons in the Outlook message window make it easier to manage zipping, encryption, and digital signatures when zipping email attachments.
  • File name encryption. You can encrypt file names as well as file contents when you add files to an archive. Encrypting file names effectively encrypts the archive as a whole, including its metadata.
  • Mail filter options. You can set a size threshold for zipping attachments, and you can specify file types that SecureZIP should always zip or never zip.
  • Virus Warning Dialog. When you double-click an executable file in an archive, a dialog warns of the possibility of malicious code and asks you to confirm that you want to run the file.

Version 7

  • Redesigned user interface. Menus, dialogs, and controls have all been updated to make PKZIP simpler to use.
  • Create non-ZIP archive types. PKZIP can now create archives of the following types: ZIP, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, UUEncoded, XXEncoded
  • Extract more archive types. PKZIP can now extract ARJ, LZH and RAR archives without requiring you to use an external, helper program.
  • Filters for extracting files. The same filters to select files by age, date, file type, and so on that you can use when adding files are now available for extracting files
  • Smart Card compatibility. PKZIP now supports certificate-based encryption and decryption for smart cards that work with Windows
  • Support for adding PKWARE AV authenticity verification dropped. PKZIP no longer creates archives that use the older, PKWARE AV authenticity verification technology. PKZIP does, however, still recognize and respect PKWARE AV information in archives created with earlier versions of PKZIP that use this kind of authentication.

Version 6

  • AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). PKZIP 6.0 supports up to 256 bit encryption.
  • BZIP2 Compression Algorithm. PKZIP supports creating .ZIP files with the Bzip2 compression algorithm.
  • Lotus Notes Email Integration. PKZIP 6.0 supports the direct integration of PKZIP and Lotus Notes on the Lotus Notes toolbar.

Version 5

  • Strong Encryption. In addition to traditional PKZIP encryption, PKZIP 5.0 increases the level of data security by introducing Strong Encryption. Strong Encryption allows you to apply different industry standard algorithms to encrypt your data in a way that makes it much more difficult to decipher.
  • Rezipping Functionality. PKZIP allows you to quickly change the contents of a file or files within a .ZIP archive without manually extracting and compressing the files inside the .ZIP archive. Moreover, you can use the selected file's associated application to make your changes. You can use this feature with .ZIP or self-extracting .ZIP (PKSFX) archives located on your hard drive or on your network.
  • A New Streamlined Interface. Menus and toolbar buttons have been reorganized.
  • Improved Wizard. The Wizard has been designed to make your archiving even easier.
  • Quick Start Tutorial. We have added a Quick Start Tutorial to help you learn the basics of zipping and unzipping files.

Version 4.5

  • Compress and create .ZIP files larger than 4 Gigabytes. The .ZIP file format originally introduced by PKWARE was limited to creating .ZIP archives no larger than 4 gigabytes (GB). As system and storage capacities have increased, PKWARE has extended its .ZIP file format to meet the needs of newer systems. You can now compress files that are larger than 4 GB allowing you to create .ZIP files up to the limitations of your computer's storage capacity.
  • Compress more than 65535 files into a .ZIP file. The original .ZIP file format limited the number of files you could compress into a .ZIP archive to no more than 65535 files. PKWARE has extended this limit to allow you to compress more files than ever.
  • Trusted PKZIP program files. To ensure the integrity and authenticity of the programs you receive, PKWARE has added a digital signature to the software programs distributed with PKZIP for Windows. This ensures that the program you install onto your computer has not been tampered with and that they are verifiably from PKWARE.

Version 4.0

  • Digital signatures can be used to sign your .ZIP archives using standard X.509-based digital certificates. This adds an authenticity layer to your .ZIP archives for greater security. Archives can support multiple signatures to denote acceptance of electronic documents, such as a contract that is compressed within the archive.
  • PKPatchMaker(tm), RegularSFX(tm), EasySFX(tm), AutoSFX(tm) offer many choices for creating PKSFX� SelF-eXtracting .ZIP (.EXE) archives. Using PKWARE's patented PKPatchMaker technology, smaller archives are created since only the differences between old and new file sets are stored. The different PKSFX types allow different levels of user interaction giving flexibility to the archive creator.
  • Multi-paned PKZIP interface for viewing an archive's contents, favorite archive files, and/or an Explorer-like dual-paned file manager window. The different viewing windows can be easily moved. The application status bar allows the favorites window, the file manager window, digital signatures and/or password encryption to be quickly enabled or disabled. Multiple archives can be opened and viewed concurrently.
  • New graphical interface provides easier access to all program features. Full Drag-and-Drop functionality is provided to and from open archives or other applications. New toolbars provide larger, more visible buttons. Option toolbars allow access to common compress and extract options without having to open additional dialogs. Updated Add andExtract dialogs make selecting files to compress or extract easy. Many new configurable option settings are available to customize how PKZIP works. Options are grouped into convenient dialogs by function. Improved graphical interface design reduces keystrokes and helps to complete archive management tasks more quickly.
  • Wizards assist novice users to extract files or to archive and compress files. Enhanced Wizard allows creating PKSFX .ZIP archives. Wizards can now be configured to use your PKZIP options settings.
  • Enhanced compression options provide more choices for selecting compression algorithms. The new Deflate64(tm) algorithm provides improved compression and is backward compatible with all 2.5x versions of PKZIP. The Implode algorithm allows creation of .ZIP archives that are compatible with applications using the PKWARE Data Compression Library�.
  • Custom Menus can be configured to launch favorite applications from within PKZIP.
  • New search functions allow searching for files by filename either on your hard drive, or in an open archive.
  • Extract files from other common archives using internal support for .uue, .xxe, .hqx, .mim (and AOL MIME), .tar, .gz, .tgz, .cab and .jar files. Configure external programs to extract files from .rar, .bz2, .lha, .lzh and .arj archives.
  • Virus scan support allows you to configure your favorite anti-virus program to scan archives automatically when extracting files or when using the PKZIP Check-Out feature.
  • Span or Split large .ZIP archives using the spanning and splitting features. Spanning allows large archives to span multiple removable media. Splitting allows large archives to be split into configurable segment sizes on your local hard drive. Spanned archives can only be created onto removable media. Split archives can be created to either removable media or local drives for greater flexibility in transferring large files.
  • Modify file information for the files within an archive without having to re-create the archive. New menu options allow you to add, change or delete individual file comments, file attributes, file timestamp, file names or digital signatures. You can also add, remove or change the password for files in an archive without having to recreate the archive.

PKWARE, PKZIP, SecureZIP, the PKWARE logo, PKUNZIP, PKSFX, PKLITE, PKLITE Professional and PKWARE Data Compression Library are registered trademarks of PKWARE, Inc. PKZFIND, PKZOOM, Deflate64, EasySFX, AutoSFX, RegularSFX and ZIP2EXE are trademarks of PKWARE, Inc. Microsoft, Outlook, Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Trademarks of other companies mentioned appear for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective companies.

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