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PKZIP Toolkit for Windows

The PKZIP Toolkit for Windows includes:

  • Shred files using DOD 5220 standard, providing an additional level of configurability for organizations that want to ensure that deleted files are not recoverable.
  • All the compression and decompression capabilities of the DCL.
  • Available for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit platforms as dynamic link libraries.
  • Archive creation using ZIP, GZIP, TAR, BZIP2, UUENCODE, or XXENCODE.
  • Extraction of ZIP, GZIP, TAR, BZIP2, UUENCODE, XXENCODE, CAB, BinHex, ARJ, LZH, and RAR archives.
  • Wavpack extraction support
  • Immediate and deferred archive operation.
  • File shredding.
  • Text line translation.
  • Path storage.
  • Creation of target folders.
  • Progress notification.
  • Multithread-enabled.
  • C/C++ interface, combining easy integration with high performance. 
  • .NET interface
  • UTF-8 International File Name Storage
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