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Mobile FAQs


How do I use my certificate with my iPhone?


If you use SecureZIP Reader on multiple devices (such as an iPhone and iPad), you need to sync and import the certificate file on each device separately.

  1. Connect device to iTunes.
  2. In iTunes, go to the device; click Apps.
  3. Scroll to the File Sharing section.
  4. Click SecureZIP; click Add.
  5. Locate and open the certificate file (with a .pfx or .p12 extension) in the selection window. The certificate file appears on the SecureZIP Documents list.
  6. If necessary, click Sync to place the certificate file on your device.
  7. When sync is complete, open SecureZIP Reader on your device.
  8. You'll be prompted to Import or Discard the new certificate.
  9. Enter the passphrase associated with the certificate file when prompted.

You can confirm that the certificate was properly imported by checking the SecureZIP Reader Settings page.

How do I create a zip file?

This application is a reader only application, so encryption is not supported.


Can the Android App work on my Kindle?

Officially no, as the application is not distributed through the Amazon App Store. Depending on the activity you are to complete, the majority of functionality will work if you side load the application onto a Kindle. PKWARE does not test or develop on the Amazon platform, so we do not officially support the platform.

How do I create a zip file?

This application is a reader only application, so encryption is not supported.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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