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KB - The license key you entered is for another PKWARE product

Common reasons for this message

  • Applying a PKZIP license key to a SecureZIP installation
  • Appying a SecureZIP license key to a PKZIP installation
  • Applying a license key for a different version
  • Applying a Command Line Interface license key to PKZIP / SecureZIP Graphical installation.
  • Applying a Command Line Interface license key to a server product

Verify that your purchase matches one of the following

ProductExampleFilename Start withVersionBit TypeLanguage
PKZIP Desktop Graphical Interfacepkz144028w32en.exepkz144028w32en
SecureZIP Desktop Graphical Interfacesz144028w32en.exesz144028w32en
PKZIP Command Line Interfacepkzc144028w32en.exepkzc144028w32en
SecureZIP Command Line Interfaceszc144028w32en.exeszc144028w32en
PKZIP Serverpkzs144027w32en.exepkzs144027w32en
SecureZIP Serverszs144027w32en.exeszs144027w32en



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