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How to Extract a ZIP File Using ZIP Reader for Internet Explorer

Step-by-step guide for Internet Explorer Users

  1. Save your ZIP File to the desktop if you received it via email.
  2. Open this link in a new window or tab (right click and choose Open in new Tab)
  3. Click on Installers
  4. Click on ZIP Reader by PKWARE
  5. Click Run when prompted
  6. Agree to the End user License agreement options
  7. Click on Select archives to Extract
  8. Now, tell the ZIP Reader where your zip file is. Click on Desktop, click on the zip file  you are working with and click Open. If the zip file is on a CD or DVD drive, scroll down and double click on that drive.
  9. If your zip file was encrypted, enter the password or passphrase
  10. If the password or phassphrase is correct, then your files will be extracted along with a notification
  11. Click OK to view the contents from the zip file

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