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Application Developer Considerations

If you are writing an application to read and write .ZIP files.  Consider the following in your coding practices.

  1. Path Traversal - The format defines storage locations for file and path locations.  If you are reading a .ZIP file, make sure the code you write includes logic to avoid path traversal errors which could result in a malicious file being extracted that overwrites a valid system file, or other file.  Check for conditions where a stored path may include a form such as ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\malicious_file.txt.  The "dotted" paths in this file name could, if not accounted for within your application, extract and overwrite an important file.
  2. Check sizes - when creating or reading a ZIP file, make sure you validate sizes for files and offsets as stored in the ZIP metadata fields.  An incorrect, or malicious size could result in a system overload or application crash due to an unvalidated size that could exceed system or processing capacity.
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